
I'm writting for perfect bilingual

Here we go.

Listening to music, I am.
"take a look at my girlfriend". I'd like to, boy, I'd like to.

cut my hair. Great !!!

I met Clint, today in the street. yeah, you know Clint, the cutest guy ever. He says i' got to change my evil way. i said what evil way ??? i'm like the perfect holly virgin ! he says "ok, let's see it ... hum, yeah that's right...". then i ask him "what do you think about a innocent date ? I mean, you're fuccking hot and sexy. we HAVE TO make the most of it ! and i've just cut my hair, i mean, i won't wash it for you if you want, to keep this gorgeous hairstyle; it will be a little bit greasy, but what the matter ?? and hum, we could meet at hummmm...come and get me tonight at 8 ! see you, boy, you're so hot !"and i let him here there, watching at me with his incredible blue eyes...haaaaaaaaaaaaa.

i was gone for 1 hour, 37 minutes, and 29 second, when i heard my mobile rang. that's was him calling me !! i asked "how did you get my number ???" he said " i just knew it, baby!" then "i can't wait for tonight. hope you too and ... hang on, my mother calling me on the other line.
I waited, listening to Lou and Victor argument, watching Romain being more and more jealous reading messages send to Camille by jeremy and/or julien. 2 thousand and twenty four years later, he answered back.

I tell you the rest later .....

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Tu maitrise pas le Russe, connasse.

Vraiment, c'est décevant pour quelqu'un qui fait des calins à Marx.

Je vous aimes....

"En septembre 1957, nouvelle crise, dont il sort encore une fois. En janvier 1959, il se sent très fatigué, le 23 juin il oublie de prendre ses médicaments. A douze ans, il aavait été atteint d'une crise de rhumatisme articulaire aigu, suivi d'une complication concernant les alvuves de l'orifice aortique, ce qui devait provoquer les crises d'oedème et de palpitations qu'il craignait terriblement, car elles provoquaient la sensation d'une mort imminente." Qui est-ce?

Si vous le découvrez... Les Herberts mettront des chaines à leurs coûts et obéiront à tous vos ordres de chiennes sacrées.


Anonyme a dit…

C'est Louise qui a écrit ça, pas moi !

Pff bande d'enfoirés.

Anonyme a dit…

PS: Karl Marx est Allemand, pas Russe, Connard.